Looks Cool

hopefully its good. Snipes is the man!

I Can't Wait For The Dark Knight! R.I.P Heath Ledger


actually is the very first movie that i could rate mega-idiotic. Snoop doggie dog's movies are masterpieces in comparison to this one, even porn movies have more substance and better acting than this.



> Im a fan of the first (8/10)

Seriously? It was terrible.


it actually was pretty entertaining, the first one that is. snipes was cool in it.
this one is total crap.

Jake: She says he's pretty.
Joey: Yeah, well, you make him ugly.


Very bad movie... Very dissapointing..


I thought the first one was really good, probably because it actually had a storyline with good action....however art of war 2....well, lets just say ive seen some really bad movies in my time and origionally the worst film id ever seen was 'my big fat greek wedding' however, that was better than art of war 2....im serious lol

'Why can't you just be nice?' 'Because the world isn't nice'
