We're on IMDb

Nice one, at last we've got a page.

Through Nic Le Messurier mainly, our Kevin Bacon number has gone way up.


What do you mean we are on IMDB? You involved in the making of this movie?

A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or the others crazy? - A.Einstein


Yeah I'm the producer, Saul Howard. We had to get an industry recommendation to get the film listed, so I just wanted to get the first comment in on our page.


hey saul.

where can i see the movie?


The DVD's for sale on Brighton-Wok.com right now. It's PAL only so far, but we'll be getting NTSC soon.

We're working on downloads now, ready this year some time.

There are cinema screenings happening in Brighton now, London soon and more to come...

Hope you get to see it!


Saul, send us a free limited edition deluze 2-disc DVD box set pls!!

A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or the others crazy? - A.Einstein


congrats on an awesome movie and congrats at getting on IMDB


Hey Saul how much dank do you smoke?


Saw the poster in a Brighton Laundrette yesterday Saul...Just bought the DVD :)

Good Luck with this


Awesome - thanks man!

I guess you saw the poster for the next cinema screening at The Duke of York's cinema in Brighton tomorrow night.

Enjoy the movie.


Ok i will download it illegally, and i promise if it was good i will buy the dvd, it is just i am too lazy to go to the dvd store :(

edit: damn it is not available on any torrent or forum anywhere on internet, i should buy it blind


I can't really say I oppose piracy, but there's something very strange about telling the producer of a movie that you're going to obtain an illegal copy of it and pay him only if you enjoy it. Especially a low-budget production like this.


i think its ballsy in a funny way
but i hope he buys it
unfortunately i haven't seen it yet


You know... leaking the movie on the internet might actually help it gain popularity

Well... That's just like my opinion, man.


I'd never buy a DVD without watching it for free somehow first.


That's a *beep* legendary comment, Maox.

Taslima: What are you doing here in L.A.?
Snake Plissken: Dying.
