MovieChat Forums > My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done (2010) Discussion > Why are people keep calling it a Lynch m...

Why are people keep calling it a Lynch movie?

He is an executive producer of the damn thing. What else does he have to do with the movie? Is it because of some kind of demograph? Because he has name on the credits?

David Lynch movies come from his dreams but Werner Herzog does not have dreams, so how do you explain the meditating hippie in Peru?

One more thing, why was Chloe Sevigny cast in the movie?


Embarrassingly for Herzog, it's obviously aimed at branding the film an upscale art film instead of something far more pedestrian.


Pure and simple, Lynch is the bigger name attached to the project. It's like "The Nightmare Before Christmas." Tim Burton produced it while Henry Selick directed but the studio marketed it as a Burton film. Ever since then everything Selick has directed has been labeled "From the Direct of The Nightmare Before Christmas" and the masses have asked "What do you think of the new Tim Burton Film?"

I want to hear an a cappella version of "The Safety Dance"


Yeah, they're simply using it as a marketing tool. David Lynch is only one of the executive producers but they're just using his name in Auteur style



Because people are functionally illiterate! Just because one can read spell does not indicate understanding :)

People see "presented by David Lynch" and conveniently forget the "presented by" LOL

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


It has a very Lynch feel to it, the mother is a Lynch actress the acting is stilted and the scenes are full of weird sh*t like flamingos and rolling oat meal cans plus the weird pause scenes where the actors try to freeze instead of a real freezeframe feel very David Lynch, also I think Director and producer connected over the story and definately talked about the material so I can't see how Lynch wouldn't have rubbed off on Herzog who's like a sponge to other creatives. i got a Lynch vibe definatley only not as well done, Lynch just does it without it looking forced or obvious this was nowhere near as fluid. I liked Michael Shannons performance but little else.
Bad Leutenant was great.


@ fishhadder

Did you see Herzog films like "Even Dwarf Started Small", "Heart of Glass" or "The Wild Blue Yonder"?

This movie is pure Herzog and the stuff you give as Lynchian examples are very Herzogian.


'weird pause scenes where actors try to freeze' has zero to do with lynch and everything to do with herzog. you are a stupid person who doesn't know much about film or the histories of either director.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


IT IS HAPPENING AGAIN (Twin Peaks Season 2, Episode 7)


Out of line, jinx, young man. This is a film forum, not a FPS game forum. Restrict your CoD trash-talk to X-Box Live in-game, where your opponents have the ability to hunt you down en-masse and gang t-bag you until you STFU. Cheers.


Agree with jinx malone, people throw around Lynches name or say something is Lynchian way too haphazardly. Anything a little abnormal is suddenly Lynchian


Do you know that Herzog was a big influence on Lynch?

We've met before, haven't we?


That's understandable but it doesn't mean their works aren't distinct and Lynch isn't doing his own thing.


@tallard -

"Because people are funtionally illeterate!"

That would be "illiterate"....

"Just because one can read spell does not indicate understanding :)"

-.- Oh, the irony.....

Please nest your IMDB page, so you respond to the correct person.


Thanks for noticing my mistake... mind you... FUNCTIONAL illiteracy goes way beyond spelling :p

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


Hey, no problem - Just doing my part to keep the internet sparkling-clean and error-free. :)

Please nest your IMDB page, so you respond to the correct person.


The big, gold headline on the DVD announcing David Lynch's name is hard to overlook. Also the DVD calls it a "collaboration between legendary filmmakers David Lynch and Werner Herzog" (note top billing for Lynch). Very misleading.

I understand when popular directors promote obscure foreign films like Quentin Tarantino presents "Hero" or "Sonatine", or Spike Jonze presents "The Fall" (all 3 of which are excellent films that may not have been released on R1 DVD otherwise). But I didn't think Herzog needed any help getting his films out there. I think it was just a lame marketing ploy to make Herzog popular with the hip generation & give Lynch an association with the oldschool art crowd. But it probably misled & pissed off both Lynch & Herzog fans alike. Sorta like when Taylor Swift started singing with Def Leppard. What's up with that???
