Very Impressed

I am a huge Takashi Miike fan but also watch quite a bit of classic japanese cinema like Rashomon to modern films like Battle Royale.

I admit i wasnt a huge fan of the first one, i thought it had a few cool scenes but that was it. I got my Crows Zero 2 dvd about a month ago and finally watched it a few days ago and I must say I was very impressed with it.

The action was non stop, the music was catchy and good (although I couldnt translate any of the lyrics, but i enjoyed the tunes), there was some surreal scenes, some great humor (i just reenacted the snake scene to my co-worker in my office at work :) ), and well its just a badarse flick and Takashi Miike did a good job at making a decent film.

Now I can't wait to see the third film (along with Miikes 13 Assassins and Zebraman 2)!

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I am couple years late when it came to seeing both Kurozu Zero films. Also, it has been some years since I was into Asian Cinema and TV. Honestly, I came across this movie because I want to see all of Shun Oguri's work seeing as he is an impressive actor.
But after seeing the first Kurozu film, I am thoroughly impressed with a lot of things. I've never seen a Miike film before this. Now I am sure to check up his work. IMO, I really like the pacing of both films, and the shots are just really beautiful to my eyes.
Learnt that Crows Zero Explode is coming out this year. I haven't read much info on it yet, hopefully it will have Miike as a director again.

Going to check the manga too, considering that I have been watching a lot of manga adapted TV and films lately. It's really interesting the way some directors do their portrayal of a 2d work onto screen.


Your late how about me?

I just watched this yesterday(the first one too), and it blew my mind!

Weirdest part is that I don't know how I came by this movie, and I can probably count the Japanese movies I've seen with my fingers.
