Top 2 **Spoiler**

Amy or Michelle will win.
Why? because I saw the penultimate episode working as an ABC production assistant. And they are in the final two.

EDIT 7/6/10
Hah. Clever ABC. They intentionally mislabeled the captions during the edit. This one that I was referring was labeled as the second to last episode. We only saw still pics of the scene, not the video, hence the deduction that Amy or Michelle were in the finals. ABC knew that someone would leak it, which makes sense now considering how many people who viewed the edits. Sneaky!


Are you allowed to say that?


I do not see why not. I would be afraid had this been a high caliber show, but it's not and I doubt ABC even cares. I am sure if you look hard enough you can even find out who won the show. There were several production assistants and none of us had to sign confidentiality agreements.


How can they tell? They can't just request for their IP address, unless they just sue every PA. Also, Go Amy!



uh, if you're going to post a spoiler its considerate not to put it in the subject line as not everyone wants to know. for example 'TOP 2 SPOILER'


You are right. The change has been made.


lol, I'm starting to notice a pattern with these "Spoiler: Who's gonna win" topics...


FAIL, Michelle went home!!!


EDIT 7/6/10
Hah. Clever ABC. They intentionally mislabeled the captions during the edit. This one that I was referring was labeled as the second to last episode. We only saw still pics of the scene, not the video, hence the deduction that Amy or Michelle were in the final. ABC knew that someone would leak it, which makes sense now considering how many people who viewed the edits.


You're lying. If you saw pics of that, wouldn't you see Amy smiling being all happy, shocked, Beth and Carson congratulating her, etc? Not her leaving to go back to the competition all sad because she feels sorry for Michelle?

"It's around 4 o'clock. We've been here since 12 o'clock. Five hours is like enough."


I am not lying. Had I seen pics of what you were referring to then I would have posted saying that Amy was the winner, obviously. I only saw still pics of the final judging of that episode, labeled as the second to last one with the two of them.


What does a production assistant do? I've always thought it would be a great job? Do you work as a contract employee for a company or freelance?
