MovieChat Forums > True Beauty (2009) Discussion > why is everyones favorite amy?

why is everyones favorite amy?

i honetly dont ave a favorite? ....well maybe michele is she the little brunette she seems kind of sort of likable i really cannot tell because i only watched this show tonight and it just like any other silly scripted reality show that i just watch to waste time...

but anyway why is amy so good?

because she is self concious and insecure=having inner beauty and a good heart? now hold on...i do realize she helped the person with the wedding ring...and maybe she passed every single challenge for all i know( i didnt watch any other episode) but she seems to hate liz with a passion ( from what i can see liz is a pretty unlikable person though) but i mean she just seems very whiny and needy... not very compassionate or caring..but like i said i do not know...i wish she would learn to love herself more..she also shows signs of having body issues clear signs...and that has a lot of deeper issues...



Amy is just really genuine and I love her personality.
Michelle is my favorite, Amy is my second favorite, and Erika is my 3rd.
But I also kinda like Craig. He seems nice even though he fails a lot.

Me (new pic, probably won't keep for long):


I like her because she's genuinly nice. She has flaws, sure, but she's a human being. She just seems like a good person.

Top faves: Michelle, Erica, Amy.

And Craig is just gorgeous. I think he's the nicest guy left.

Ashley Greene & Jessica Stroup = <3


I think everyone likes Amy because she is kind of like a lot of people. I feel that a lot of people have their self conscious moments and insecurities but they're good people. She does have a good heart, I believe. She's failed one challenge and yeah she does hate Liz but who doesn't hate one person. I don't know, she's not my favorite - my favorite is Taylor and Michelle because they seem genuinely nice.
I also think it's hard to judge these people just based on what you see, she does whine a lot though, haha but that doesn't make you a bad person. Just a very whiny person =/


I'm going with Erica,

Kansas Critic, My Video & Written Reviews:




I wasn't surprised to see her go last night. Who would want someone who always looks as angry as she to be "the face" of anything?


yeah i wasnt surprised to see her go too. shes not physically ugly but her low self esteem makes her unattractive. sure shes far from evil but shes too involved in her own pity party to notice a lot of things going around her. she spends too much time and energy worrying about herself that she doesnt leave much room to show care for others.

i do wonder how she would really be if she did have confidence. would it be like the intro when she says that the scale of 1-10 isnt big enough for her? that was conceited and not pretty. i wouldnt call that true confidence anyway. i dont really remember the others ever talking about how great they are except liz and david.

even when shes talking about how she cares about people at the faceoff, she has a huge frown on her face. it seems like shes trying to convince herself.

real smiles are beautiful. she needs to kick that monkey off her back.


People equate being stupid with being a 'good person' and intelligence is frowned upon in American society.

