MovieChat Forums > True Beauty (2009) Discussion > Favorite Contestants? Least?

Favorite Contestants? Least?

Rank True Beauty Contestants (Even the Eliminated ones) from your first favorite, to your least favorite.

My List:
1. Michelle
2. Regina
3. Craig
4. Taylor
5. Amy
6. Erika
7. Michael
8. JD
9. David
10. Liz

Me (new pic, probably won't keep for long):



The only names I remember are the absolute worst of the group. Both have inflated egos and neither are that great looking. They remind me of Chelsea from last season.

David and Liz. UGH....I hope they leave soon.


Yea David and Liz are my 2 least favorites too. Even though I kinda felt bad for Liz when she was crying because no one liked her.
And David doesn't annoy me as much as he used to, but he's still one of my least favorites. lol.

Me (new pic, probably won't keep for long):



I'm gonna redo my list. For the most part it'll be the same, but there's gonna be a few differences.

Old list:
1. Michelle
2. Regina
3. Craig
4. Taylor
5. Amy
6. Erika
7. Michael
8. JD
9. David
10. Liz

New List:
1. Michelle
2. Amy
3. Taylor
4. Erika
5. Craig
6. Regina
7. Michael
8. JD
9. David
10. Liz

I liked Regina when I thought she had a chance of winning, but once she got kicked off for breaking the rules, I remembered how annoying she was when she was in the bottom 2. I still like her, but not as much

My bottom 2 of David and Liz will more then likely never change.

Me (new pic, probably won't keep for long):


Like - Amy

Hate - Liz


1. JD
2. Michael
3. Craig
4. Michelle
5. Erika
6. Amy
7. Taylor
8. Regina
9. Liz
10. David


LOL @ JD being your favorite contestant, one question: WHY???? He's fugly.


Personal preference. I don't find him all that fugly. I thought that though he did take the extra item offered for his costume, there were others that should have gone home first.


Erika and Taylor FTW




Top 3 favorites are Amy, Erika, and Taylor.

Last place is Liz.

Jeremy Herring


erika should win..amy...she shouldn't win because shes to insecure and seems like a baby compared to the others..but when you put her up against ppl i want her to stay and not go home....
i don't like anyone else craig is a tool


Daleks give me nightmares


