MovieChat Forums > Harper's Island (2009) Discussion > who was the most stupid character?

who was the most stupid character?

In my opinion the little girl. I give her a 10 for stupidity.
i wanted her dead.


Ha! Madison was creepy but I have to go with Shane. I was so happy when he got it.


Did you think Shane was stupid or he deserved his death the most? If we're going with a STUPID character, I'd have to say Madison. I don't care if she was a child or not...The constant lies which led to so many deaths pissed me off. That being said, Shea comes in a close second with her stupidity. Instead of trying to figure out what Madison knew about what was going on, she just bitched at everyone to leave poor Madison alone.

Not that I have a hangover now, boss. You know I would never drink on a school night...



Madison for sure. I don't care if you're a kid, how do you NOT know to tell people such important information? "Oh this detail probably matters? I didn't think I should bring it up when you guys were talking about it. But here it is now, completely useless."


I have to agree with Madison. All the lying in the start is one thing, but then keeps lying at the end? Geez

Maggie - Wtf woman? Geez she just deserved to die when she's that naive

Malcolm - I know money is tempting, but he keeps the money for so long and it's just... aaaah

"Has anyone seen my cute little englishman?" - Chloe, Harper's Island


I'll say Madison. she was really stupid.


sully, he's my favorite character but he had three chances to get off the island and he threw them all away.

A parliament of owls. An exultation of larks. Murder of crows.


Yes, it's not like she was 6...she was supposed to be what, 12? You know better than to lie when people are dying around you.

Personally, I think Danny sticking around to go one on one with Wakefield was pretty foolish...he should have just run with the girls.


I think 9, but I would think if people were getting murdered all around me I'd realize it isn't a "game."

This show was pretty original for which I like it, especially at the beginning, but I HATE IT so much when the writers have the characters do such stupid things that I cannot even suspend belief to make the plot interesting.

People running away with the gun while the killer and someone else has a knife fight or wrestling match? Really?

"Let's split up." Really?




Madison takes the cake for me. Annoyed the hell outta me.

Trish was stupid when she bailed on Shane and wakefield knife fighting. And Cal sprayed the shot on the bridge when he could've waited for wakefield to walk up to him, or cal could've walked up to him. Meh.


Trish couldn't have helped Shane, the gun was allready empty.

- Who's the lady with the log?
- We call her the Log Lady.


No it wasn't - after she ran away, she shot 2 shots through the bathroom door.


This can't be... Not a single vote for Shea?! She was the WORST Tv mom EVER! She never even paid attention to her own kid. Also when Madison went missing, she went off by herself to sulk in a hotel room & then steals Shane's truck to try to hunt down a psychic when there is a killer on the loose.

"I like beer with my air"


Well, actually, Shea did something even more stupid; she walked. Trish hunted her down in the truck later.


im gonna go with madison on this one. what nine year old would have a "new friend" that was a 50 year old man, who no one else saw. by nine, i knew better than to talk to strangers. my parents would have beat my ***! and then all of the lying. again my parents would have beat me. and breaking all of the china and lying about it. 'nother beating. getting a secret note and then going off on her own. beating.
and not to mention the kid's acting ability. i hate to diss on children, but my god. she was like a piece of cardboard in a dress. i would have liked to see her get it, in the end. what about a flaming arrow shot onto the wooden boat and she cant swim and drowns. is that creative enough for her? (i know this makes me sound bad, but i really am a good person who loves little kids!)

but my question is, where are all of the towns people. surely there were more than maggie, shane, jimmy and kelly. where were they when all of this was going down?

C'est le temps que tu a perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante...


I Loved Madison! I thought she was just lonely and scared.

Most of the local people fled on the ferry that escaped main characters for searching for Madison.

I think most stupid gesture was Maggie's 'He won't hurt me', but I don't think she was stupid overall.

Thomas annoyed me the most, but I don't think he did something stupid, just weasel.


I know you wrote this post over a year ago but that just made me laugh my A** off!!! I'm still laughing!!!! 'Nother beating!!! Classic!!!!


They could all be in the running, as much as I love the show when you think about it this is what the following characters are stupid for.

Henry for wanting to get down and dirty with his sis!
Abby and Trish for being the two closest people to Henry and not having a fvckin clue.
Shea for thinking her life is perfect like her father.
the worst being booth who shot himself.
Malcom thinking he could just hide $250,000 and his best friends death without notice.
Madison thinking that being taken underground by a stranger, after your granddad was just killed, would be a fun game!

Out For A Walk.....Bitch!



actually, she didn't.
She's in the kitchen with the guys when the fight between Henry and Shane breaks out. They walk out of the kitchen with Beth lagging behind. that's the last you see of her.

My teenage angst has a body count



Don't get me wrong, I loved the show. But come on. The whole daddy drama? "Boo-hoo. John Wakefield is my daddy, I'm responsible for the murders." That just kinda bugged me, a lot of Abby's whining bugged me.

As for Trish and the gun at the Cannery, Shane told her to run, so she did, she was trying to protect Shea and Madison, so she didn't shoot then because she was trying to get away. In the bathroom, she should have waited a little longer before wasting the shells, since Wakefield was coming in anyway. She could have blasted him after he came through the door. That would have also given Henry more reason to kill her.

Madison was a lonely girl, she befriended the 50-some-odd-year-old-man because unlike her parents, he noticed her. He payed attention to her, the same reason she befriended JD. Speaking of JD, did anyone else think that for a younger brother he looked kinda old?


Speaking of JD, did anyone else think that for a younger brother he looked kinda old?

Yeah, I thought JD looked far too old for the younger brother and wearing all the emo clothes. They should have gotten a younger actor.


most stupid character? HENRY!!! what a horrible motive.

My teenage angst has a body count


I'm with you. Henry wanted what??? Why did Henry agree to help Daddy? The whole Trish ruse is stupid! All so he could live in hiding with his sister? Wait! All these years and none of his friends notice anything odd about Henry!??

"An intellectual carrot. The mind boggles."
The Things from Another World



Sully had the great line to Henry, "so you're adopted, BOO HOO. Grow a pair"


madison, by far, her lies caused many deaths... and shes like im sry i guess i didnt realize i should tell you its john wakefield, or that there was a second person. i wish she would have tripped over the side of a cliff and died.

Maggie thinking cause she is a local she wont die, (right after shane says, jimmy was a local, who we thought was dead at the time)


The only character I disliked was Madison.

I kept wishing she'd meet the wrong end of a Wakefield blade. Am I wrong in thinking such thoughts? NO. Because the actress that played Madison was good in her role. By that I mean she made me feel this for Madison when watching the show. I'd say that takes talent by those who play the roles to make people hate characters (or love them).

An actress or actor must have no talent for us to not care or hate some what for a character (any character).

I gave the DVD boxset to a friend a couple of nights ago and he watched it all back to back. And he said the same thing. He wanted Madison silenced too. Most kids are intelligent, and know right from wrong, and are not as stupid as Madison was acting like at times.

This is Kolyma - a graveyard for the lost.


I think I'm the only one who liked Madison, and in extension Shea. Hmm.

I think Maggie's decision to leave was just the writers' laziness and another way to kill someone off.

A lot of the people in this show were stupid.

- The girls with shotguns they don't use.
- The whole group when they left Wakefield completely unattended when they had him in jail.


Im not sure how Danny, Shane or Sully could be classified as stupid. What they did was done to save others lives, they werent stupid. They saved people.

Coincidentally they saved the two people getting the most "stupid" votes. Shea and the demon.


Booth killed himself on accident. That was pretty stupid if you asked me.


I loved most of the characters (except for maybe Madison, she was just creepy and annoying).
But the most annoying and STUPID character was Malcom. I mean come on!! he was such an idiot.
First lets get on a boat with a dead guy and steal his money (i mean it wasn't his but Malcom didn't know that!),then lets sink the boat, then lets keep the money and be really really greedy, then lets sneak up on your friend in the middle of the woods, and then when he shots himself and dies lets bury him, which makes it look like he killed booth, then lets go back to a party and NOT TELL ANYONE!!!! all so He could keep the money. Then in the end he burns it!!! WTF!!! He was just retarded and he freaked out all the time and knew he was doing the wrong thing but did it anyway!
God i was so happy when he died.
He was so stupid!


definitely booth he shot himself, then Malcolm not telling anyone and stealing the money


Abby!!! Because after they caught Wakefield she refused to kill him, when he killed her daddy right in front of her and most of her friends . At the very least, I would've shot him in both legs to take him out of commission. With all the tunnels on that island, I would never have trusted him to stay in a jail cell.

R.I.P. Bill Bixby, Edward Albert, Roy Scheider


Madison, Shea, Maggie were all stupid characters. Trish annoyed me when she didn't shoot Wakefield when she had the chance and could've helped Shane. I was so upset when watching that scene because I can't even watch Shane's death, it's just so horrific. But I suppose she was so freaked out that she couldn't even react and just ran, like he told her to. So I wouldn't call her stupid. Though her not seeing Henry always running to/worrying about Abby, that was kind of something I would've thought she might've brought up to him (even if there was all the craziness going on meanwhile). But alas, poor girl was in love. I wouldn't say stupid though, just blinded.

As for male characters, definitely Malcolm. Poor Booth, it was an accident and he bled out so fast because of where he got shot. I love my Booth (nervous, smart cute little nerd that he is), I wouldn't call him stupid like some of the previous posters did, he didn't deserve to die.


Cousin Ben: he should have travelled on the boat instead of under it.

Honourable Mention: Uncle Marty. Never cross a bridge before checking under it for trolls. First law of survival.



Oh, come ON! I felt SO sorry for Malcom! In any case, that money he stole was supposed to be his. That's what made it kind of ironic. All for money Uncle Marty would've given him later on, anyway. Besides, if I was voting on the most stupid act (can't pinpoint the most stupid character- they all do something idiotic) in the entire series, it would be for Maggie. "He won't hurt ME!!!" Moron. She learned otherwise.



Yeah, but If I had a choice of staying in a room with a bunch of people, one of whom MIGHT be a murderer, or going outside alone where there definitely IS a murderer, I think I'd stay inside! LoL. :)
