Slasher TV Series

As what is essentially a season-length slasher film, Harper's Island is a fairly rare thing. Being a fan, I have always wished that the genre got more love on the small screen. That finally seems to be happening to some extent.

All I am aware of in the way of slashers on TV:

The Following
Scream Queens
Friday the 13th (in development)
Slasher (upcoming Chiller series)

I haven't seen any of the already-aired series yet, so I can't comment on their quality. But each has at least something going for them, either in the people involved or the potential of the franchise. Maybe they won't all be terrible. What other slasher or similar horror series are out there?


The Following is a slasher? If so I may start watching it


I don't think The Following is a Slasher show.
