MovieChat Forums > Harper's Island (2009) Discussion > Terrible English and we don't all wear s...

Terrible English and we don't all wear suits in England

Hi all,

On the whole I liked Harper's Island, but the English guy annoyed the hell out of me.

What kind of English accent was that. I thought I was watching Scooby doo. In fact there was episodes where I thought Scooby was going to show up as the murderer LOL.

For the record not all English people speak like this and we rarely wear suits. In fact some of us have been known to wear t-shirts and ripped jeans heh heh.

This guy would have been looked at as strange even in Britain heh heh.

I really wish American shows would stop using bad charactures of British people.

Apart from this I liked the program. Still disappointed Scrappy Doo didn't make an appearance.



You know he's really English, right?
And he was upper class, so what is your problem with him wearing a suit.

And for all your talk about proper English

In fact there was episodes

that would be 'were'. We're not all cockney chavs that speak like that.


Yes I do know he is English. He was born in Bath, but the accent was still terrible.

For some reason I have seen a lot of American shows where they use this kind of accent. It is very cartoony and not very realistic at all.

I think most Americans think that we all speak like this, and all people who live in Britian only live in London, and wear bowler hats and complain about the rain.

Would be nice to see an English person in America who speaks with a Midlands accent, or even a Newcastle accent LOL.


OP, anyone who thinks that a tv show is indicative of the way certain people really are, is moronic. I didn't watch the show and think that all English people were like Hal.


His character was a doctor, not an average Joe. His character was madly in love with a beautiful woman, so he was trying to impress her. I thought his character was done perfectly, it all fit. The suits were just a part of a young doctor in love.


He is English. That accent was 100% natural. It's how the actor really talks. And honestly, the suits and whatnot just felt like part of who he was as a person and why Chloe was attracted to him (his more reserved nature makes a good contrast and balance to her free-spirited, fun-loving attitude), not because he was British. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't written as British till the actor was cast.

Death Awaits (Horror forum)
