
Can I watch it?

"Look at us but do not touch"


Well it's on HBO and HBO on Demand.


UK: Channel 4, 23:10-1:00 Wed 12 Jan 2011.

...not bad, though he's a still ultimately quite an immature kid with no responsibilities in life for most of it until near the end.

Paps are not bad people, though they often feel forced into negative activity to get the job done, and as such they are normally people with few other good earning opportunities in life, hence why they do it. He may realise that before screwing-up his education, or he may not. By the end the former hopefully seemed likely, but come back in 10 years and we'll see.


He was an annoying kid, no he is old he won't be famous.

Was worth watching for Alec Bladwin's "Time Warner" illustration.

Had now idea the owned TMZ.

Celebrity is constructed!
