Austin's Mom

I just finished watching this surprisingly excellent doc.

Question: Why is this kid allowed out after curfew? Doesn't California have an 11pm curfew for minors anymore? Or does Austin's mother accompany him to his post midnight to pre-dawn photo ops?

I was cringing when the mother was BEGGING her 14 year old son to LET her take them to a particular cafe.
"Please?" pleaded Mom.
"NO!" stated the child.
repeat a few times.

I am a mother of a 17 year old son. I allow him to pick places to eat, but NEVER have I begged him, and given in when I wanted something bad enough.

I was glad to see toward the end of the movie that mom and son watched it together, and Mom cringed at herself. She said exactly what I was thinking. I am the mom...I should be telling YOU where we're going!

It was good to see the level of maturity rise in all the principal people in this film. Austin has a talent for photography. I hope he uses it for more than pictures of pseudo-celebs. The still lifes he took of flowers and plants were fabulous.

BTW...I would have had NO IDEA who Adrian was. Guess I am out of touch. He does have beautiful eyes.

"I could have been killed, and you're drinkin'!"


Growing up, the single phrase I heard more than any other was, "Because I'm the mom."

I too was glad that the mother seemed to have a wakeup moment after watching the movie, and, at least one year later, the kid looked like he was honestly maturing.

But seriously, when Paris Hilton (Paris Hilton!) and other twenty-something celebrities are questioning your mothering skills, you better have a freaking wakeup moment.

And the father should have been equally ashamed, too.


California has no curfew law. Some cities do, including LA. Not sure of what applies in Hollywood or Beverly Hills. But the cops are very busy with more serious crimes so I bet this is the kind of thing that only gets charged if a kid is also doing something else wrong.

As a rule when you mix genres in a movie you're in trouble. --William Goldman
