When Does This Get Released

when does this movie get released on dvd i need to know when


Supposed to be October :)


thanks but when in october and will it be released all around america just let me know when u know there is a release date for this film


I'm not sure of the exact date, it could even be later than October. You'll be able to buy it online :)


can u order it from amazon if i can not find it online and then i will have to wait till i go to new york in december and get it there i can not wait to c it i hope theres a bunch of special features like making of audio commentary from nic and tristan puehse outakes deleted scenes a music video


They have a lot of awesome stuff on www.nicandtristanthemovie.com :D


ive been on the website many times


it now says winter 2008 that is being released does anyone know if its out now i want to get this dvd and want to know if let's go from the leather souls and shake it from metro station are at the end credits of the movie and will they bring out a soundtrack the same day its out
