
I'm really liking it. Looks like they're amping up the romance factor, with the roses and the girl in the middle. The werewolf looks good, too, if it looks like that in the movie. (No, I haven't seen any shots of the werewolf )


Yeah, that's how it looks. That actually looks like a direct shot from the trailer, actually.

The rose is so tacky looking though. And the romance just doesn't seem to be all that interesting based on the clips. Ginny Weirick seems like a decent enough actress and is rather cute, but Chris Divecchio is so annoying in the clips they showed in those BTS interviews. Granted he's not the worst lead in a horror movie like this I've seen (That being Tad Hilgenbrink from Lost Boys: The Tribe), but he's agitating. And it doesn't help that he's surrounded by far more talented people in this film like Max, Sid, and Billy.

Eh, whatever, I'll still be buying it when it comes out, I know that much.

"IMDB: Where Intelligent Film Discussion Goes To Die" - Scott 'The Foywonder' Foy;

