Better Off Dead

I think it would've been cool to see a cameo from a cast member of "Better off Dead" when they were at the ski that movie and Cusack's other 80's movies!


Hell yes, that would have been cool.


When they are on the slope, in the middle of everyone ("is there some sort of retro thing going on this weekend?"), two people in the background talk about owing someone two dollars.

That might be as close of a reference as you're going to get.

Para tiempo means nada nunca.


Really? Awww... I totally missed that!


Listen to the guy who is skiing past them with the gigantic mobile phone. He's the one who says it.


Keep in mind Cusack HATES Better off Dead, and won't even speak of it. He probably wanting nothing to do with a Better off Dead joke.


Really? That's kind of sad! Do you know why?


I think he got over that already. He's said since that he doesn't hate it or anyone involved with it. I'm sure it was just a teen angst thing that he grew out of.


If Cusack HATES 'Better Off Dead' then he must HATE all the straight-to-VOD/DVD he has been in. My god what happened to him, I guess he either doesn't care anymore or he is getting huge paychecks. All these suck: "The Numbers Station", "Drive Hard", "The Bag Man", "The Frozen Ground", "The Factory", and all the other straight-to-VOD movies. I get why Nicolas Cage does them, he owed the IRS money, but Cusack?! He was still in demand. Oh well I guess as you get older you just stop caring and take whatever to make money.


Or you get blackmailed into doing crappy films you don't really want to do, to get the financing for some other projects that you REALLY DO want to do.


Maybe It has something to do with them both being in Con Air


whats straight-to-VOD ?



There was a reference to the 'Two Dollars' from Better Off Dead on the ski slope. Right after they meet the ski patrol a guy talks about I won the bet you owe me two dollars.

The story about Cussack hating Better Off Dead comes from Savage Steve. While they were filming One Crazy Summer they screened Better Off Dead. Cussack got BS at him and felt he was trying to embarrass him. Makes no sense since he was doing One Crazy Summer which was identical.


"Dude, I won the bet. I want my two dollars!"

Son, you can't polish a turd


Another thing that may or may not have been a Better Off Dead reference: When Adam says to Jacob, "Why do you waste your time" playing video games, it reminded me of him saying the same thing to his brother Badger when he was working on the toy laser gun in Better Off Dead.
