What would you do?

I think most people --- especially guys --- would not try to relive and retrace their exact steps if they got a second chance at a past moment. I believe they would use their knowledge of the past and future to take complete advantage of the situation. And they would say, "Hell with the timeline and changing the future". I know I would. What would you do?



So you and I both agree we would take complete advantage of the situation, with our knowledge of the past and future, for our own benefit. I think most people would. At least guys would.

I think this intention portrayed in the movie to retrace their steps exactly as they did in the past was annoying, unrealistic and stupid. Nobody would do that.

REPLY #1 (see reply #2 below)


REPLY #2 (see reply #1 above)

I think you, being unable to find anyone as special as your past girlfriend, is an indication that you are still stuck on her. I don't believe there is only one person for each of us. There is an unlimited amount of potential mates for each of us if we have the right attitude. You are never going to replace that girl. Instead, you need to be open-minded towards meeting, appreciating and enjoying someone new. Love is not just about making yourself happy. It is about accepting someone for who they are and trying to make them happy.

Quit trying to replace that girl with someone just like her. Appreciate and accept others for who they are. Everybody is different. Even though that girl may be special, she is not the only special girl, lady, woman in the world. And even though you may feel she is the best --- she is not. There are lots of special women out there. No one is going to be like her. They are going to be special in their own way.

Do yourself a favor. Get over that girl and move on.


I'd have a lot of fun, the kind I missed out on through sheer stupidity.


Definitely bet on sports championships and make bank
