Mexico border?

I've crossed into Mexico 3 times by car. Once in CA, twice in AZ. Neither time did I have to stop and talk to a Mexican border guard. You just drive on in.

Is it different in TX, where there border control going INTO Mexico like in the movie?


no need to brag.

sake happens


The border guards just magically appear when you are coming back to the states. Noone minds when you leave.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


Actually It was Texas, I saw "Ciudad Juarez" on top of the guard booths.


It depends. Sometimes the Border Patrol and Customs will set up a check point as you are leaving, but they won't check on anybody. The mexican equivalent is different, sometimes you get a red light meaning they will check you out, other times you won't. Sometimes the very light is operated by an officer who will make that decision.

It's been a while since I saw the movie but I don't remember anything about that part jumping out to me as not accurate.


I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas and have crossed at that very border station many, many times. Yes, there are guards going both ways. Mexican guards on the side going into Mexico and American guards on the side going to America. The Mexican guards might stop you and ask for your passport or what your business is, but usually they just wave you through. The US guards stop people more often for obvious reasons (drugs are a lot cheaper in Mexico). There are also walkways beside the road and you can just walk across if you want, but they always stop you if you are walking. I have personally seen groups of like 20-30 Mexicans gather at the Mexican side and then, on a signal, just bum rush. The guards catch a couple, but most just run right through into America lol.
