Eye Candy...Nothing More

Need I type Further?


Its supposed to be showing February 7th on sci-fi. Hopefully its not as terrible as others say


It is oh so more terrible. I usually enjoy some of the Sci-Fi channels attempts at made for cable flicks. I could have, maybe, sat through this again if there were a little T and A. The ladies were all off the chart good looking and, might I add, stacked. Oh well here's hoping there is an "unrated" cut laying around, lol.


A bunch of sweaty chicks in locker gear uniform carrying assault rifles, what a joke. They aren't even half decent pretty to be eye candy... I watched the movie in fast forward as is standard SciFi features viewing protocol.



I tried watching this yesterday but couldn't,it was just that bad.I should have taped it and fast forwarded through it,as someone in a previous post suggested.


Re: "They aren't even half decent pretty to be eye candy"

What are you, gay? The women are smoking hot!
