MovieChat Forums > Endure (2010) Discussion > Sirena Lane's Condition? (Joey Lauren Ad...

Sirena Lane's Condition? (Joey Lauren Adams)

I, unfortunantly, missed the first 20 minutes of the movie while flipping channels & finally tuning into it last night on Cinemax. For the remaining part of the movie that I was able to watch....I thought it was pretty good. (Like a longer version of the TV show, Criminal Minds).

My question was this: Did they ever elaborate on Sirena Lane's condition at all?

I figured that it was obviously a fatal disease & or heart condition (since her Emory kept inquiring about her heart rate). So does anyone know what was wrong with her? Did they ever explain what happened? I kept waiting for Det. Emory Lane to explain to Det. Zeth Arnold (in detail) what was going on....but there was nothing, that I saw.

This really would have helped me connect the characters, Sirena & Emory and understand the dynamics of their relationship better. Because for the remaining time that I caught of this movie....I mainly saw Emory doting & worried, to an almost an overbearing extent. Emory hovered & was doing his death watch.

On a side note, I'm glad that they drew out Devon's character, Zeth, as being cocky, but with compassion & understanding. Zeth's attempts at trying to figure out his partner, instead of just chalking him off to being an a$$ everyone had warned him about... made for a better well rounded character. They could have taken the easy route & wrote him out as being obnoxious & as a cocky new kid. I was glad they didn't, as it has is a tired routine that has been done before. It was Zeth's compassion, that brought the realness & humanity to his character.

I also must say that Devon's come a long way since his Casper days! Though cute as a kid, I think he's excellent as an adult actor. I would love to see more of him in the future.
Also, whatever (plastic & dental surgery) that he's done to his face, I feel, has enhanced his looks. It doesn't look overdone or weird & I think it complements his features. Now he has his "Man Face" & looks as though he has naturally aged a bit & lost his baby fat.
Just my 2 cents....


I think as you watch this film, you surmise that Sirena has a heart condition. To my knowledge, they specifically said what it was but, it was terminal.

As far as Devon, I think he had his nose altered. From looking at his young pictures and his older pictures, adulthood alone couldn't have changed his nose that much IMHO.
