She Shoulda Been Arrested

I mean come on. She causes one girl to fall and impale herself while she's chasing her with a gun.

She shoots another girl she's trying to "save".

She shoots two dudes who may or may not be guilty.

Then shoots her BF who was only guilty of having a sex slave.

The men may have all been less than dirt but last I checked they deserve a day in court.


You do live in a world of your own or are self medicating excessively.


This movie was pathetic. I'm trying to have fun with the nonsense. Apparently I offended your sensibilities. Was this a biopic of your daughter or something?


If you have to insult ensure it makes sense first, otherwise you come off was a 48V tit.


who may or may not be guilty? good lord... 

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


"Then shoots her BF who was only guilty of having a sex slave."

ONLY guilty of having a sex slave?
