Rate the 8 Films

List them 1 through 8 in order of best to worst...



Dying Breed - Really dark and twisted. Well done.
From Within
The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations (Much better than 2)
The Broken
Perkins' 14

The order may change a little over time as I watch them more.


Dying Breed - Creates a very 'chilling-nature' atmosphere...very cool

From Within - Overall pretty cool

Slaughter - Not sure about the ending, but I loved Amy Shiels in this...hope she starts to be in more movies

Perkins' 14 - I thought it was pretty cool until Mr. Perkins died...and the Dad was just so frustrating

The Broken - I totally called the 'twist' as soon as I knew about the 'mirror world'. I like that there was no cheesy explanation for the events, but I would like to at least have seen SOME cause

Autopsy - Really like the female lead and Robert Patrick, but something had to be in last place...

Have yet to see:
The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations

I thoroughly enjoyed all of them at least...
