I have a feeling....

Just from reading the "plot" of this series, it's not going to make it. That's just my opinion.

Paige: Stop yelling at death!


I have a feeling you are right. I think he saw a little success on Ghost Whisperer and the PTB decided to cash in on it and see if they could have a hit with him in it


"Tell Us How You REALLY Feel"


Its actually already been picked up for the fall and if you go on youtube.com and type in project gary you will find a small clip. Its actually very funny.


Okay...I take back my comment after watching the preview. It may actually make it. MAYBE. I didn't actually laugh out loud. I feel like it's been done before...can't think of the show. But it's familiar.

Paige: Stop yelling at death!


That one scene is kind of like something from three and a half men


Uh... you are kind of showing ignorance about the business to try and predict failure or success on a plot description - how's this three brash friends live in New York - that's basically SEINFELD. Wanna write the plot for FRIENDS or ALL IN THE FAMILY or CHEERS. It really isnt the plot of a show - it is the characters and the actors who play them that make people want to watch them week in or week out. Give this shop and ANY show a few weeks on the air before deciding it's fate.


You are correct, I dont' know anything about show business,and would never presume to predict anything. I will be watching the entire season regardless of the plots just becausse I do like the actors on the show. I am hoping that their talent and personalities can shine through and help make this show great.


It is worth noting, however, that the description he found rather boring is what gets people to watch a show in the first place. If it sounds like it is going to suck, they are off to a really bad start, though it is way too early to tell. If it gets promoted well it could do ok, they just shouldn't use the 3 line summary included here, clearly. :P
