MovieChat Forums > Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013) Discussion > What parts would you remove to make this...

What parts would you remove to make this better?

This wasn't an awful movie. Wasn't anywhere close to as good as the first but there were some genuinely funny bits that were kind of overshadowed by the ridiculous, unfunny and stupid scenes

I would remove:

Doby - come on this wasn't funny in the slightest. The only fault I had with the first Anchorman was the ending scene where Baxter comes and saves Ron by talking to a bunch of bears. It wasn't funny, it was just way to stupid and lazy. Doby was worse and got even more screen time.

Ron going blind - I grew tired of him whining and babbling while being blind for what seemed like half the movies run time.

The Fight Scene - Now I think there is a place for the fight scene I just would've removed the following to make it less stupid and ridiculously unfunny:
Harrison Ford being a were hyena
The gun from the future
Stonewall Jackson
Sex Panther Cologne killing people

Dial back Brick scenes - there is no need for Kristen Wiig in this movie. I think the director somehow thought that Brick was the funniest part of the first movie (he wasn't) so he decided to give him almost as much screen time as Ron. The interactions of him and Wiig were really not that funny and were very hit and miss too the point where they seemed as though they were trying too hard. Brick was awesome in the first movie as a side character who said and did stupid things at random, dedicating more screen time only saturated the character.

Ron's Son - although these scenes led to some hilarious things Ron said, the actor who played the child was dreadful

I didn't enjoy how little the actual news team was in this movie. Some of the funniest parts were when the team was together interacting and saying funny things while doing the news. Also I felt James Marsden provided a good dynamic as well.

Dear Warden, You were right. Salvation lies within.


The shark stuff. Dear God, the shark stuff.

The fight scene was overly-long and had some unfunny bits. I also found the mountain of cameos distracting as hell.

I think the director somehow thought that Brick was the funniest part of the first movie

I did too, to be fair. His romance stuff was my favourite part.



Brian Fantana says he's going to be showing the 50 best vaginas of the 21st century, the film was set in the 70's or 80's.

Also they make a ghostbusters reference, and I believe this is set before that.
Just noticed them, haven't checked any "gaffs" or anything.


At over 2 hrs long, this could be cut down. The blind parts were a bit silly and not necessary. I found myself wondering what the hell am I watching and what happened to the main plot? It's like an episode of The Simpsons.

The end battle should have been just the 4 of them against James Marsden and Vaughn is the cameo. The rest of the cameos were not needed, and just got completely amateur with future guns, ghosts, minotaurs etc. Felt like a college film. Marsden should have had more (funny) scenes.

Cut down Steve Carrell. I don't know, maybe it's because most of ya'll are American, but I find him so painfully unfunny. Many times I was actually rooting for Will who would cut him down. The annoying loud noises he makes, the horribly unfunny interaction between him and Wiig. In fact I felt sorry for Wiig being bought down to Carrell's level of humour. I was thinking during the movie this might be funny if you actually got 2 legit socially awkward teenagers to interact without a script. But not Carrell completely overdoing it. Zach Galifianakis plays that same annoying, dumb guy character so much better than overrated Carrell.

I didn't hate the Doby stuff, that was okay. Him kissing the shark at the end then suddenly he's being eaten, was amusing. Is the kid his own son or something? Don't know how he got through auditions with that acting if he's not.

The camper crash-scene was the best scene in the movie though.

Would like to have scene more of Eliza Coupe as well :P


Ron going blind - I grew tired of him whining and babbling while being blind for what seemed like half the movies run time.

I agree. I know what 70s movie they were spoofing and I hated that movie as well. It was the 80s, there were more to spoof.

And the scenes with Brick and Chani. Stupid. All of them. No dial back, just get rid of them.

I actually liked the fight..I thought they were missing a few more 80s cable references to drive the point home, and it should have just ended there.

I really thought I'd hate this film because I didn't like the first Anchorman. But I like this one much better, I think its because I understand the 80s news cable references more than the 70s ones in the first one.

Um, the name was Abby. Abby something-or other-Normal.


Every scene with Carrell and Wiig made me want to ram my head through a wall.


I would start with the script, then the improv.


I would have cut out the Brick love story as well.

Probably would have changed the storyline to Ron moving up from San Diego to the 24 hour news network, and bringing his News Team with him. This would cut out all the Gary drama that I didn't think was particularly funny, because Veronica and Ron wouldn't have split up since they had been in San Diego the whole time. Also I would have cut out the back story to what the news team had been up to, since in my timeline they all would have been working together in San Diego still. I would focus more on Ron becoming obsessed with all the absurd news stories and all the fame increasing his already inflated ego. Maybe stick with whatever crazy stuff Ron & his news team could have done in the 80s in New York. Famous 80s people he could have met, places he could go in New York, etc...

Definitely would have cut out the part Ron goes blind and raises the shark.

I would have involved Jack Lime more as the main antagonist, which would replace a lot of what the Gary character brought to the film. Maybe add more about Ron and the gang pranking Jack Lime, kind of like the situation with Veronica in the first film.

Overall, though, the film did have some good laughs.



get rid of Stonewall Jackson are you kidding? that was the best lolwut part of the movie. It's supposed to be ridiculous and out-of-place. First he's spoutin a farewell to someone, then he's sucking out their soul, its was so out there it was extremely funny.

The whole Doby and blind part felt like such a veer from an already choppy flowing story , it seemed like it would have been cut and used in a 2nd/spliced movie like the Wake Up Ron Burgandy movie they made with footage from the first one.


I'm opposite on that.
