Is that really Slade's House

I am sure it's not but I only saw the last half of the first episode. That house looks a) a bit commercial and b) a huge jump in price range from his last home.

Anyone know?


No way is it his.

It's "his", in that Bravo is renting it for the show... not in any other way.

His last house in Coto was forclosed on. It looks like he was living way beyond his means with that house, the cars, etc... A big poser.


I don't buy that it's his house either, no way he can lose his O.C. house and then buy the L.A. house. I too think Bravo is renting it for the show and Slade just lives there through the duration of filming. This show is just a set-up to boost Jo's so called singing career. Jo's apartment is a big jump in the first one she rented when she moved out of Slade's O.C. house and into her own apartment.


And stay out of the water feature!


I think that for most of the reality shows on TV are rented for the show because they tend to be quite opulent and well decorated (well some). Take for instance the house for MTV's "The Real World" in Austin. I have heard that it has already been demolished. What a waste! I hope they at least recycled some things inside! They could at least re-use things or auction the house and/or the contents for charity!!


Yeah and the house Tila Tequila was in in the second season was the same one Bret Michaels was in in his second season. They are all fake.
