The cop (SPOILER)

Do we assume she killed him after feasting on him? Otherwise he would have turned into a vampire, like the girl with the dog.


The drafts of the script (on my site) say so ("...the tell-tale sign of the snapping neck...") but that tell-tale sound didn't make it into the movie.


"Do we assume she killed him after feasting on him? Otherwise he would have turned into a vampire" - Vondaz

Yes, we assume she snapped his neck, just as she did to the jogger in the tunnel.


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Do we assume she killed him after feasting on him? Otherwise he would have turned into a vampire, like the girl with the dog.

I suppose we should assume she did since we saw her do it before with the jogger.

...but at the same time there was the Owen distraction which could have thrown her off her routine.

...However, she no doubt was around the victim a lot longer than normal so it would be less likely that she would forget something she thought was important.


Yes. One of the last scenes, inside the hide-away that Owen said adults probably don't know about, Abby is seen stashing the body there, they will be long gone when he is discovered.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


... they will be long gone when he is discovered.
Or when he "wakes up"! 😆



"If the film follows traditional vampire lore..." - doctoracula

It doesn't.

In this film, the vampire is so because they picked up an infection from the bite of another vampire. That is why why Abby isn't dead, or undead ... she is infected. She doesn't want to sentence her victims to having to live in the shadows preying on other humans, like she has to. This is partly why Thomas kills for her. Also, it makes no sense for her to make lots of vampires who in turn kill more people, drawing attention to the fact that vampires exist at all, and leading to increased difficulty for her to find food, hence the need to kill her victims before they turn.

Before you ask why a mere infection can make it possible for someone to fly, have increased strength, and metamorphasise into a blood sucking fiend ... that's just the way it is.


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It doesn't.

In this film, the vampire is so because they picked up an infection from the bite of another vampire. That is why why Abby isn't dead, or undead ... she is infected. She doesn't want to sentence her victims to having to live in the shadows preying on other humans, like she has to. This is partly why Thomas kills for her. Also, it makes no sense for her to make lots of vampires who in turn kill more people, drawing attention to the fact that vampires exist at all, and leading to increased difficulty for her to find food, hence the need to kill her victims before they turn.

Before you ask why a mere infection can make it possible for someone to fly, have increased strength, and metamorphasise into a blood sucking fiend ... that's just the way it is.


"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬
