Rodzilla wins CCW Championship

Who didn't see this one coming in this show? The guy wrestled about three matches in the past. They might have to bring Kevin Greene to next show's season so he could win.


I hate that rodman won.

Hate it hate it hate it.

He never wanted to be there always had and attitude and played to rough.

I was rooting for Butterbean or Todd.



I assumed from the beginning he would win, but I was hoping he wouldn't. He is weird, rude, and cocky - I don't know why he has always been a fan favorite. I was pulling for Butterbean, then Todd.


He should have thought of a different name besides Rodzilla. He had that nickname when he wrestled years ago. I was actually hoping to see Danny Bonaduce win the title because he was just so convincing but yet he came off kinda weak toward his elimination. I wonder if Hogan didn't actually plan for Rodman to win this whole time because he did tell Rodman at one point that he needed him to be somewhat of a leader to the group. I don't know if those were the exact words but it was similar.


Same thing here. Butterbean and Mr. Not-so Perfect (or Not-so Mr. Perfect as Nasty Boy would say)
I would even have been happy if Screech won. He took enough bumps.

Anyone but that prick Rodman.


Rodman came across as pretty sloppy looking the ring. It is too bad he won.


Yeah, it did seem to be rather scripted. Butterbean was terrible, pretty useless in the ring and has little to no charisma, but somehow he made it to the final. Rodzilla looked stoned half the time he was in there. It should have came down to Todd, Screech, and Danny, but Rodman was the biggest name they had so Hogan had to hand the belt to his friend.

why don't you go back to strip malls und drink your Zimas and Smirnoff Ices!


Aww, I like Butterbean! I always had a *little crush* on him, lol.


Yeah, Screech would have been a better winner on the show than Rodzilla. Should have been those two in the final match with Rodman's stiffness vs. Screech's weak offense, but he had better respect for wrestling than Rodman did, although he probably should have shown this much respect to the cast of Celebrity Fit Club. If either one of us would have been in that position to face Rodman, he sure would have at least a hard chair shot to the head.


Almost anybody would have been a better winner than Rodman. I was definitely very disappointed, even though I could see it coming. Danny was my favorite for a while, but he just had too bad of an attitude problem, and so I didn't want to see him pull it off after all. But, of all people, I really feel like Todd Bridges deserved it the most. I think he was the best in that ring, and you didn't really see him get into the bull$h*t drama too much. Rodman just plain sucked in every aspect of the competition. It was just pathetic and obvious favoritism. Rodman didn't even belong in the final four if you ask me.

Founder of the IMDb Ghostbusters

That's right, boys...IT'S DOCTOR VENKMAN!!!


Dustin Diamond was a great heel. He was good at playing cheap and selling for his opponent. Yes his offense was bad, but he really had the entire wrestling persona thing down pat. It should have been him vs. Todd Bridges in the final match.

Rodzilla and Hogan are buddies, so no real surprise that he "won". They also kicked off Erin Murphy early on and she was way better than Trishelle and Ziering.

The entire thing was probably scripted from the start.


Man I wish they actually gave it to someone who was good in the ring rather than one of Hogan's buddies. Rodman was pretty crappy for a guy who was a member of the NWO. There was plenty of people on the show better than him. Rodman even forgot to run when Screech Irish whipped him during training. The show just started a few weeks ago here in Canada and already his performance is average. This is average compared to the other people on the show by the way. Todd Bridges is think is the best so far. Screech and Danny were right behind. Thought Frank Stallone was even better than Rodman. He might have been scared to jump onto that airbag, and oddly enough didn't give much of an offense, but one thing Frank was actually good at was selling moves. Made Screech offense look good, so you know he couldn't had been that bad.

Another big problem with this show is that they didn't teach them more moves and techniques. They only gave them 3 moves per show. I also couldn't believe that the judges complained that Danny and Todd were fighting too fast. That was the part of the match when things were start to get intense. Man I wish the Hart family or even Jeff Jarrett could had been the ones running this show. I bet we would had gotten better matches.


Bridges vs Diamond should have been the final two.

Rodman sucked, especially considering that he'd had previous in ring experience. His moves were sloppy, he was overly physical too but not in an immpresive way. He didn't improve at all during the show unlike the others. It really seemed like he only stayed each week because of his popularity and because he was Hogan's buddy.

Todd Bridges was actually really good and he got better as the show went on. He could play heel or face (unlike Rodman) and he should have been the winner.

Hope they do a second season though as the show was very entertaining up until the final.


Nice goin' man, you could have put a spoiler warning on here!!


who was in the final two?
