"Everyone's a hero in their way"

Okay, I know I'm making this up, but I thought it was a fun interpretation, so I'm sharing:

Dr. Horrible, deep down, knows that he is his own worst enemy. He knows that he truly is a hero, and he knows that he is in his own way of getting what he really wants in life, more than anything: Penny. In this song, Captain Hammer's words can be interpreted as "everyone is a hero who is in their own way," but it doesn't quite sound like that until the final iteration, when Hammer (almost) says, "Everyone's a hero in their way!" before Dr. Horrible shuts him up by freezing him silent.

Dr. Horrible can't take the truth, can't take hearing this terrible invocation of his true state, especially not from his worst enemy.

What do you think?

"What movie moments resonate with you most profoundly?"


I was gonna say, "Nah," but it's actually not too bad of an interpretation.

Can't stop the signal.
