MovieChat Forums > Impact (2009) Discussion > Another Canadian movie trying so hard no...

Another Canadian movie trying so hard not to be Canada

Are we the only country that does this? Where 95% of our entertainment industry films stories in our country where we pretend its NOT Canada. We're either too busy making either schlock movies or TV for the US market or the overseas market OR we're making art films so pretentious or nonsensical that only Mother Canada could love. We've given up on stories about Canada, set in Canada, and starring Canadians (and not US actors looking for a paycheque to cover their balloon mortgage payment - looking at YOU Mr Culp and Mr Cromwell). If we hadn't, we might have had more than a few gems in the rough by now that other countries would sit up and take notice of. We might have had an entertainment industry that runs under its own steam. No wonder Canadian actors, directors, writers, etc leave here.


S an american director, american writer, shooting in canada due to cheap locations makes a canadian movie now?

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


One question: how is there global nighttime? Did I miss the part about the sun going out? I'm keeping it on for my nap time background noise.
