What a sexist film

So a freshly trained female agent can't even take on an elderly doctor who likely never had any combat training before? Oh and 30 years later the doctor who is on life support and can barely stand, still managed to kick her ass again with ease. It's quite clear what kind of message this film is sending about females.



I feel it was a bit sexist. I'm not even trained in that sorta thing and I can pretty easily say I would've easily been able to take that guy out. What a far-fetched film.


I'm not sure this was intentionally sexist. First, in the original confrontation between Vogel & Rachel, Vogel catches her off guard so he had a distinct advantage. He was supposed to be tied up. She thought something was wrong & he attacked her by surprise. Secondly, he had a weapon she didn't, and yet she was still able to fend him off. Also remember, he was probably in his mid 50's to early 60's at the time (not young, but not old either), had a distinct height & reach advantage; and he probably out weighed her by 50-100 lbs. He was also trained in hand to hand combat from his own military background, so with all these things combined plus the fact that he was extremely desperate makes this outcome believable.

The second attack was less believable as he was most likely in his mid 80's to early 90's & she was in her mid 50's. But remember, he again had a weapon & struck first. She didn't have anything but the syringe. He also would have still had a height, weight & reach advantage.

I almost numchucked you, you don't even realize!




Plus the doctor could make her cry so easily. What, was she a housewife or a trained agent? She couldn't ignore him?

Open the door for Mr. Muckle!!




cough *beep* cough...


What makes it even funnier is that they have that scene where she is sparing with her partners, who are much younger/quicker/stronger than the old doctor and they spend that whole scene showing how adept she is at handling herself, only to show the doctor totally own her later (twice!).

Why even include the scene where she's sparing? It would have made more sense to show that she was maybe not that good at fighting instead of trying to set her up a some kind of physical badass when the story requires that she be the opposite.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Based on her hand-to-hand combat training scenes, I was looking forward to her kicking some serious butt later in the film. Silly me. When the time came, she couldn't fight worth a damn, and went down pretty easily. Twice.


And she was pregnant at the time...


Well, it may be sexist, but she killed him TWICE. I saw it both times! Not bad...not even for RAMBO!


It's sexist to think a middle-aged man couldn't beat up a woman half his weight? Seems to me that your comment is a bit ageist, calling a man in his 50s "elderly" for example.

Seriously, given how the film ends, your comment reads like little more than intentional exaggeration. Saying a man is likely to win a fight with a woman isn't "sexist," it's reality.


If it'd been a regular 50-something man beating up a regular 30-something woman that would perhaps make sense. Instead, it was a weakened 50-something (actually more like 60-something) man beating up a highly-trained Mossad agent with martial arts skills.


I thought it was too much the way she got owned too. It would have been better if she managed to shoot like in the 'flashback' but missed, it was sad seeing her just lie there and stay down for the count.

Get to know up-and-coming fantasy author Billy Wong - http://bklynbill.blogspot.com/


... it was sad seeing her just lie there and stay down for the count.
LOL! (I don't agree with your thoughts, but it's a funny line).

1 This is not a martial arts movie, with Rachel expected to run around kicking German butt.
2 The doctor is clearly bigger and stronger than her.
3 In the first scene as other posters have noted, she is taken by surprise with her back turned I think.
4.Before the second scene she makes it clear to Stephen, she hasn't been an active agent for 30 years. She's been a writer folks and hasn't necessarily kept up the krav maga training.
5. In the second scene, yes the doctor is now very old, but once again he gets the drop on her and attacks first with the scissors.
6. She probably should have been more on her guard, but I think she overlooked him recognizing her so quickly.

This is not a sexist film; I'd be saying that it's trying to be realistic.
