MovieChat Forums > Pontypool (2009) Discussion > Right train, wrong track

Right train, wrong track

Ok so seeing the main actors age and his profession, I kinda got that we'd be in that studio the whole time, getting our info a la War of the Worlds style...not my fav genre but ok, lets see what you got..

The weather report guy was the only thing this movie had going for it...apex of the movie (imo) was when he went to talk to the teenager and that baby sound was coming out of him...gripping stuff, but from there it all starts falling apart.

* The infamous Dr Mendes conveniently slips in through a window "oh hai guiz!"...WTF???
* The 'Singing Arabians' come in for a bit of cold weather racsim (white people in brown face, and screaming some islamic chants while pretending to fire off his gun...WAT????)
* The main character catches the disease, realizes this weird ass movie is only halfway done, he gets some fresh air instead and goes back to his seat, 100% cured
* The Doctor "Guiz, this is how the disease carries...oh now I haev it! I leave okthxbai"
(doctor uses the Window of Convenience once again to make his escape)
* The intern decides to eat some wires, then throws up on the window
* The DJ cant take being in this movie anymore, he figures out how to cure ebonics
* Him and the producer that hates him become the new Neo and Trinity in the Alaskan Matrix

Did I miss anything?


I have no idea but now want to watch this


I really enjoyed the movie up until Kenny ("the helicopter guy") dies. After he dies the movie really starts falling apart. The reveal of how the virus is spread is laughable and the movie pretty much completely lost me at that point. And like you mentioned in your post I also thought it was funny how the doctor who reveals everything to Guss and company randomly drops into the radio station from one of the windows on the side of the building. Completely silly stuff.

The movie honestly had the potential to be much better but failed to deliver in the end.The first half of the movie was solid, while the second half was laughable. It almost feels like someone else wrote the second half of the movie. For example like once Kenny finally dies it is revealed he is a pedophile. Like what the actual *beep*? Who wrote that and thought that was good writing? It was so random and unnecessary. But anyways I wish the second half wasn't such a mess because the first half of the movie was honestly pretty good but what are you gonna do? They blew it.


It sounds to me like you expected more standard zombie fare. I thought the movie got more interesting when it turned out the virus was spreading through words and that they had to make words lose their meaning to snap out of it.


It wasn't spreading through words in general but the English Language specifically. Which to me would say not that words are the problem but the English Language is the problem.

I think people are reading into this movie too much and giving it far more credit than it deserves.


That's when this film when from Good to Great. It upped it's level at that moment(Well, it started earlier but that's the turning point) and it became unusual... And that's what makes this film better than most in the Genre. Original



*Dr. Mendez could -- and probably did -- hear them on the radio. They're clearly "safe" and are collating information in real-time. Why wouldn't he make his way over there?

*Yeah, a touch of racism. Small towns everywhere have that sort of thing. Doesn't make it right, but it certainly makes it believable.

*How on earth did you conclude Grant Mazzy had caught the disease? He showed no symptoms. He was freaked out, certainly. Who could blame him? He'd been barraged by so much strange and unsettling information that morning, capped off with a really creepy episode of a dying teenager talking like a baby. He'd been stuck at the station the whole time, which made everything seem even more unreal. So he needed to step outside, just to get a look at the world and reassure himself that it still seemed normal enough. Imagine yourself trapped in your room listening to radio accounts of your entire town going insane. Wouldn't you eventually need to actually look out at it?

*Since you vastly oversimplify the sequence of events between Dr. Mendez figuring out what was happening and his later exit, there's really no way to address this criticism. It simply didn't happen like that.

*Laurel Ann was infected. If you don't buy the premise, well, yes, it's going to seem odd. If she'd caught, say, the Rage virus from '28 Days Later' and you decided to describe it as 'The intern decided to get really angry and run after other people', it's entirely your problem if you aren't going to accept the premise.

*The principle was that they were trying to take infected words and strip them of their original meaning, thereby disinfecting them. Your description, once again, is meaningless and deliberately so. There's no valid argument in describing something inaccurately and demanding an explanation.

*You can interpret the post-credits (read carefully..."post-credits") scene however you wish. You think it's a Matrix analogue? Up to you.

There are several legitimate criticisms of this movie, but trying to create problems where there aren't any is no way to actually address the problems that actually are there.


I like your points!

I was just annoyed that the story unfolded as if Mazzy and his producer were somehow solving the problem by jumping on air and taking the meaning away from a few words they think might be infected (the French broadcast had it right, don't use English).

I've seen this plot before, but the difference is that I hated the way the two protagonist tried to fix the problem. I understand there isn't much they can do but jumping on the radio the way they did was so silly. Are they really going to cure the already infected? The infected will not be listening *correctly* and if they are, they are being bombed!

Most of the people on the message boards are right in just saying that the first half of this movie seems very interesting and the second half just kind of fizzles out. Like the writer had some big idea but it was just out of reach so he called on plan B.
