Edo's child

Two different posts note that you don't know Edo's wife is pregnant until the very end. However, earlier at a family party Edo makes reference to "him or her" (I cannot remember the exact context) to his wife, clearly indicating her pregnancy via the unknown gender of the fetus.


i think you may be confusing two things. He, Edo, knew about the baby, thus his words to his wife about what made him happy. But did others know she was pregnant? Her odd chiffony dress seemed awfully pregnant-dress to me, but I am also not knowledgable about fashion.

The way to have what we want
Is to share what we have.


To me, the implication was that Edo knew but the rest of the family didn't.


do you think? I saw this one on a flight to Rome... the screen was so small and teh colors so muted/ foggy that I had to turn it off for fear that I was missing some of the most vivid visual presentations. need to see it again!


Nobody else knew, when Emma and Edo were by the pool he states, I was going to tell you something, but now I'm not He was going to tell her that night that he was going to have a baby
