MovieChat Forums > Io sono l'amore (2010) Discussion > Sexual/Romantic Love vs. Friendship/Plat...

Sexual/Romantic Love vs. Friendship/Platonic Love (spoilers)

What made this movie very powerful for me, but what also made the ending so highly disturbing, was the comparison of different types of love: sexual, romantic, familial, platonic (friendship).

In my own short life, the types of relationships that have touched me the most deeply have been my fellow male friendships with my best mates. I admit this is due to my own personal insecurities, but I have found these friendships have been a lot more fulfilling than anything romantic or even sexual, which by their nature might be more exhilarating, but also much more unstable and volatile.

Several other commenters have noted possible homosexual feelings Edo had for his friend Antonio. But maybe it was just a really deep friendship, a spiritual connection he felt. This makes the ending all the more tragic. I thought it the movie would end with Emma in a state of shock. She seemed to feel highly guilty (at least I would in such a situation). But still, she runs to Antonio.

And we don't see Antonio's reaction. Did he feel guilty at all? Or anguished? Or did he run from their guilt into Emma's arms?

The reason this ending was so disturbing for me is that it sort of represents a worst nightmare for me. Not anything to do with my mother of course, but the thought of a close friend of mine "replacing" me. In this movie, Antonio seemed to move away from Edo as his affair with Emma began, and this really really disturbed me.

I'm only 21 years old though, so maybe other people can share their experience. Maybe I shouldn't extrapolate, maybe the chef was just a really, really bad friend. In that case, it's very disturbing that Edo's friendship with his chef friend ultimately turned out to be so one-sided. Did anyone else see it this way?


Of course, there's the alternate theory that Edo had romantic feelings for his friend Antonio that weren't realized (because Antonio was straight?). This would explain why he cried into his maid's lap.

But in both scenarios (friendship or friendship-turned-romantic), Edo's feelings for Antonio are unrequited. Either Antonio did not return Edo's romantic feelings, or Antonio did not feel as closely attached to the friendship as Edo did. Very sad, tragic stuff either way. :(
