Editors? 1:07:17

Just curious about the dissolve at this spot. It doesn't call for one that I can see, unless it was an attempt to signify a dream state, or passage of time, but neither seemed to have been the case. Was it a goof? Maybe trying to smooth out a necessary jump cut?


I don't think it's a goof. Maybe she's just jumpy after having made out with Antonio, all 'awakened' to love, so maybe we're just hearing her imaginings and seeing things as her super-charged brain's processing them. Maybe?

Another little thing that I found cool, in Antonio's dream/fantasy sequence involving Emma in a blue dress in his empty restaurant just before, just before getting interrupted by Edo (love that guilty look on his face!) , he's kissing an Emma who has SHORT hair... but this is way before her haircut. Does this mean cutting it was maybe his idea?

And what embarrasses Antonio in his dialogue with Edo right after Edo 'walks in on him'? Talking about money & the restaurant? I'm afraid I don't understand why he says "certain things embarrass me." The other cook gives Antonio a 'look' when Edo leaves, maybe this means something.

Any thoughts?


Okay, nice interpretation, when she put in the CD and you hear a voice, I thought it was on the CD, but I see now that it was probably her imagination and "guilt"

On the "certain things embarrass me" thing, I thought he was trying to hide his disappointment of his dad listening to Edo when he doesn't listen to him and Edo was able to get so much from them, plus it helped cover up his guilty startled reaction, plus, it may have taken a little pride out of his male ego in front of what looked like an employee to be talking about how successful Edo was at something he couldn't get on his own. A few parts were kind of left dangling. What was all that eye communication when Emma was leaving at the end? Why was she running frantically into the house, then paused for so long before leaving without her bags that Ida just packed in a panic?

Nice observation about the hair... I got the feeling it was Antonio's idea to cut it, but didn't notice it in the dream... good eye.

One other thing, who was Emma making out with at the beginning? Was that Betta's ex-boyfriend? Wasn't there a younger brother in there somewhere? I had a hard time following his story. Anyway, thanks for the reply! It's fun talking about it cuz i watched it alone on Netflix...


About the CD, I think she's just imagining Betta's voice, as it would sound asking the friend who gave her the CD 'you like this music?' .. afterward, she visualizes her daughter's flirtations with the girl and smiling, and I don't know if it's a guilty moment as much as it seems to be a parental approval / acceptance of her daughter's happiness. She seems genuinely happy for her. All this after a second viewing...

I think you got it right on about Antonio's 'embarrassed' line, it's for sure over his father's lack of support.

The eye communication as Emma leaves is the most honest communication any of them can have at the moment, I think. Words would not be as much, I think, as an honest look. So much was said in Betta's eyes to her mother. The speed of Emma's packing then leaving all behind seems to me like a last-minute decision, she is flying by the seat of her pants... making it up as she goes, and she has no fixed plan, just an animal instinct to fly away from the stifling snobbery and steel control of the family. I seriously wonder if she's barefoot on purpose, but it looks like she even left without shoes, so either that's symbolic of her now extreme poverty, or else it shows her on-edge state of mind. She's not thinking practically. She's fleeing. It was Ida's idea to pack a bag.

On second viewing, I think it's not Emma making out with Grigorio, it's long-haired Betta just before she unveils her 'painting' to her grandfather. They seemed to be in a large cupboard or storage area, making out on the couch, he tries to undress her, she decides it's time to go, he asks if he can see it, she says he can see it when the others do, referring, I think, to her new painting, which she then retrieves before exiting. But she looks so much like Tilda Swinton that for a moment, I also thought it was Emma's character!!

So much more came to me when I watched it a 2nd time! The way Eva covers her glass when they go to pour her wine at the birthday meal (obviously because she knows she's pregnant) means maybe Edo is marrying her out of obligation. He's being a responsible adult, but does he look like his heart is in it? Also, when the Recchi wives are having lunch and a toast is offered, Eva raises her glass but does not drink, and it made me think that if the others had known of the pregnancy, they wouldn't have expected her to drink, but the fact that she pretends means that they don't know, and she and Edo appear scared to tell them. Who knows what their reaction will be? She's possibly throwing her opinion around to try to fit in with them, but Emma's fiercely maternal reaction to Eva's criticism of the proposed restaurant just shows that Emma is jealous of Edo's love and isn't ready to accept Eva yet. And at the beginning, that little scowl on Emma's face when Ida tells her Edo is bringing a guest... jealousy maybe? Edo and Emma's body language is very loving, they are obviously crazy about each other. Not in a bad way, just purely in love as some mothers and sons are. Tancredi and his mother also look very close. In fact, I wondered at first if she was his stepmother (age difference btwn Rory and Grandfather is significant) and flirting a bit with her son-in-law while her ageing husband wasn't watching. But nowhere are we told she was not Tancredi's real mother, so I guess I'm imagining it. Maybe she just had Tancredi really young, and still looks relatively young herself. Also, she's has a lot of work done. Her mouth looked disconnected from the rest of her face!

Ok that soup looks really delicious! Oukho? Anyway. I get the feeling that it is more important than I first thought. Emma makes it out of love for Edo at the birthday supper. Later, Antonio gets aroused just listening to her describe it. Is it significant that instead of saying 'you start with a lot of different fish', she says 'you need someone to catch you a lot of different fish'... In Antonio's kitchen it certainly looks as though he's provided her with some fish, and the after effects of the soup are an afternoon's outdoor love-fest. Their bowls aren't even empty on the table... that's SOME soup! Finally Antonio prepares it for Emma, not for Edo, as Ida interprets, and I think his motivation is love. But I'm not 100% sure it's love, he knows Edo will recognize his mother's soup but with Antonio's embellishments... any thoughts? Could he be provoking something by such a menu choice?
