What is this film about?

Does anyone know or have you come across a synopsis or something?



I'm really looking forward to this. Since I heard Imperioli was a struggling screenwriter just like his character in Sopranos, I've been waiting to see what he would make. I also think he's a brilliant actor (I mean his monologue in Girl 6 gave me the chills) and in Sopranos he was my favourite character, so I'm also looking forward to Lovely Bones. Hope this will be a good movie.


Just seen it (world premiere Rotterdam).

It's about Schirripa and Angela having a son (Cohen), and Ellis and Sandow having had a relation.

Think of it as Magnolia meets Babel, only much shorter and occasionally with some more humor.

Nothing wrong with the acting, the story didn't make too much sense or impact to my liking. 7/10.


If you like watching unsympathetic, at times seedy characters messing up their own lives and those of the people around them, then this is the movie for you.
It's about people in New York, struggling with their life and character. No less, but certainly nothing more. There's nasty divorce, drugs, perversity, troubled-son-who-can't-communicate-with-dad stuff, the usual. Overall I found it totally unengaging, pretty predictable and without any real purpose.
The actors are not to blame, as most of them, despite the occasional over-the-top scene, did a good job.

The movie itself wasn't all bad as it did have one interesting character, Gus (great performance by Nick Sandow), who has at least a few interesting observations.
He has by far the best scene in the movie when he confronts a girl who through a month of Yoga lessons thinks she has 'discovered who she really is', and that she now 'knows'. Gus ruthlessly dissects her reasoning and shows her she knows absolutely nothing.
I'm afraid this character Gus would have had no trouble ripping a movie like Hungry Ghosts completely to pieces.


voting history: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=629013
