Take one car?

So are they going to drive back to the graveyard later and pick her car up? didnt make any sense.


Yep, they left her car out at the cemetery. Haha


I've done similar things with my wife when we've driven separately to an event, then were going somewhere else together before going home.

It makes sense if you live at A, place B is say 5 miles south of A and place C is 15 miles south of B. Saves 30 miles of fuel in one car.



Are you dense? They were reconciling. Who cares where the other car is.



They were surely talking about going to the rotary dinner in the same car, no?


Presumably they would go separately to their living spaces (their house for her, his hotel) to change clothes then he would pick her up at their house and go to the dinner.



Yeah, I thought the same thing. They're only going to have to come back and pick the car up later, which is just an unnecessary inconvenience. I know it's only a movie but it bugged me a bit too. 


Yeah, it was a clumsy way to show they were reconciling. It bugged me as well, but I've let it slide for the sake of entertainment )


He sure as heckfire can't get a makeup beej on the way if they're driving separate cars.
