MovieChat Forums > The Big I Am (2010) Discussion > I would not have done that.

I would not have done that.

I'm curious. If somebody beat your best friend and beat and maybe raped your sister why wouldn't you kill him? and if you had no stomach for it why wouldn't you have one of your henchmen kill them? You can have a good guy that does bad things for the right reasons.

This movie just had some really poor written scenes.


You don't murder someone for the actions you describe; it's totally disproportionate. You speak too easily about killing, which is rather a juvenile attitude - real life doesn't work like films unless you are a psychopath.


If someone beat and raped my sister I think I would have to kill them, I'm not a psychopath but sometimes its better for society if certain people just 'disappear'.

For example known terrorists who walk our streets, why don't we just quietly make them vanish?, lets cut the softy liberal bs please.


No, you may think it's better for society, but in fact what you mean is that you would feel better, somehow - particularly as the OP said 'maybe'.

What known terrorists? Where's the evidence, the due process? What you are talking about is vigilantism, which is itself illegal. There's nothing soft or liberal about objecting to taking people off the streets and murdering them.


Yup kill um in a heartbeat...Just my way, and before you ask my age..I'm 54..Old school, never call the cops..handle your own business..

"This was done in cold blood by people who claim to be civilized...Civilized!!, They're degenerate, immorial idiots. Stinking little savages. Wipe them out, I say. Wipe them off the face of the earth!!" Henry Hull, Objective Burma (1945)



All a cop is good for is filling out reports for insurance claims. Justice from the court vanished along time ago.


I sure hope you don't have a sister.

Revenge is a dish that best goes stale.


It's ironic that you make a statement like that with your sig.


My signature and my statements are mutually exclusive, since both are contextual.

Revenge is a dish that best goes stale.


Pompous little arse.


Coming from you, that's a compliment, thanks!

Revenge is a dish that best goes stale.


ha, i knew someone would reply with the typical "its not that simple" statement. i have a sister and yes even if i couldnt do it id ask one of the others to. but then id probly stay mates with the don and carry on living the life unlike micky!


I totally understand.

This guy raped my 6 year old sister while she was at a friends house. And got off in court. His defense attorney interrogated my sister like she was a murderer. I beat him within an inch of his life. would have killed him had it not been stopped. I served time in prison for it. Im 24 now. Never had a violent past ever. But I could not restrain myself. They guy even threw the first punch, hit me in the eye with a pair of dusters.

anyways. This very same guy who was supposedly innocent is now serving 34 years for raping a 9 and an 11 year old. Sick *beep* like that deserve to die.

Him being killed could have saved those two little girls who's lives he destroyed. One of those girls committed suicide at 14. *beep* raping scumbags.

No form of modern treatment cures pedo's. Only a Bullet to the Head.


just interested to know how did the attorney get away with interogating your sister? minors cannot be treated as hostile witnesses and almost always these days they either testify via video evidence or in a closed court and certainly at that age a social worker would have to be on hand to make sure she was not distressed or affected in a negative way. seems odd an attorney was allowed to interogate which suggests it was rather more robust than most judges would allow.

also, if the guy threw the first punch, and with an illegal weapon (knuckle dusters are just straight up illegal to have full stop but more so in public as they are a made weapon with no other function that isnt violent, just possession of them outside can get you nicked, i know someone who had a pair indoors, police entered his house to interview the family about something else, saw the knuckledusters, they were confiscated and destroyed and the owner fined 300 quid for an illegal weapon, thats sitting on a coffee table in your own home, let alone anywhere near other people. even in the US there are states that allow guns and ban brass knuckles and others where they are legal to buy but require a license to carry them like in france. even if some cops would turn a blind eye, the case ended up in court for you to be convicted so that seems unreal if you were really struck first with an illegal weapon and still couldnt get self defence), how is it you were charged and not him? if he attacks you with a weapon and you then hit him, even if you get carried away, the other guy has a weapon that you know of, who knows what else he has on him, you can reasonably say that you were afraid if you let him back up he could pull a knife or if he knocked you down you might not get up again, so unless you had a really, really, really terrible brief i cant see how you got convicted without him at least also being convicted for starting it and having a weapon. unless you broke into his house and he was able to say he didnt have the weapon in public and it was self defense.

also, 34 years? bit of an odd number, even if 2 charges are added together, nearly always if its over 20 years it would just be called life, with possibility of parole.

dont want to call you a liar, just the details sound exceedingly odd so maybe you could add a little more context, like why the judge allowed something against common practice and enough of a scandal compared with most cases as to be news worthy, how the guy got away with an armed assault which the police were made aware of to still be free to carry out the further attacks and how he got a sentence just about unheard of.

