love, Love, LOVE the movie

Dear God, Lane Kazan is to die for. She just plays her parts (in any movie) to T.

It's also nice to Saul Rubinek in something besides Warehouse 13 (I hadn't seen him in other stuff).

Love the movie, love the dress, love the bag - love it all.


I think this film is amazingly overrated. While it definitely has some genuinely funny moments, I believe overall it is marred by the hyperbolic, overbearing performance of Lainie Kazan. I always admired her superb singing talents, but here she combines the worst excesses of Ethel Merman and Tyne Daly. Her characterization reeks of the stereotyped Jewish mother from a different era. As a middle-aged gay Jewish man I took offense at her histrionics, and her realization at the end just did not ring true.


It talks to my soul a lot. Helena likes it very much like me.
