
I was confused/skeeved at the idea that Pete was trying to get Cammie's attention by being the chicken when it's supposed to be her brother!!


I know! That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out... I'm so confused on this...


He's not trying to get her attention by wearing the suit. The deal is that Cleatis will talk Pete up to Cammie if Pete wears the suit.


That's true. I've only seen it twice and near the beginning when Pete first comes out as the chicken and goes "I finally got your attention, okay." It's Jamie that's looking at him. I had to YouTube it to really get a good look... thought it was supposed to be Cammie.


yeah i thought that was odd too. I think that he didn't really do that much for her though as his attention quickly changed to the other girl (and she had a boyfriend) but yeah. That was a little odd. they didn't really use the sister character all that much.


Ha well even though that one girl had a boyfriend, she was definitely about to kiss Cleatus in the hall if it hadn't been for Pete slamming Cleatus into the wall.


I was going to start a thread on the same thing.If the whole schools knows it's your brother in the suit why would you need to be impressed by some other guy wearing it. Or why would Cammie be interested in her brother's friend? In the beginning the team and the cheerleaders seem to make fun of Cleatus in and out of the suit. Wouldn't the sister avoid his friends?? It's confusing.

reach out and grab Life before Death grabs you!
