
M Anderson

I'm stuck on the part where after defeating Ironclad, this new villain with stones for shield round him starts attacking you and I'm annoyed as every time I knock his shield and a bit of health off him, he just restores his health. Help!


'Vector' doesn't really restore his health (as I didn't come across that). 'Vector' has 2 health sections, 1 is green (which is his actual health) & 1 is red & divided into 3 bars (this is his shield health, which if it's destroyed, 'Vector' will be stunned & after he recovers, this red health recovers back to 3 again).

1st & foremost is attack his shield by chucking vehicles or any other heavy objects at him (to depleat his 3 bars of shield health). Do this swiftly to bring his shield down, now he'll be stunned & defenseless, attack him. If he manages to recover, he'll create a new shield, again repeat the same process until he's beaten.

Kings of Europe 2008 - Manchester United


M Anderson

OK thanks for your help lol. Hopefully I can do it
