
I have not read "The Cherry Orchard" but I am willing to assume that the main male character who was played by Henry, or Reeves if you like, never came back or never revealed his feelings to the woman he loved. So this movie to me is like a modern day version with an alternative ending where "real" life (from movie's characters point of view) and theater play were cleverly intertwined- both acts were running parallel to each other.

I don't understand why people think that this was a heist movie, or that the ending was good enough. This movie was about Henry and the choices he made. Compare the Henry from the beginning of the movie who went with the flow, instead of staying at home with his lovely wife, and got himself arrested for a crime he did not commit, with the Henry at the end of the movie who went against the flow to win the heart of the woman he loved.


I don't understand why people think that this was a heist movie

who thought that?, i sure did not.

i view it more as a drama/comedy (maybe a little romance to) more than what it's listed as which is 'Crime | Drama' which might have got people thinking it was going to be a more serious heist type film, which it's not.

the heist part is just a backdrop to the relationship

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The description said pretty simply (I'm NOT quoting, just remembering) that a man comes out of prison for a crime he didn't commit and decides to rob the bank he was in prison for robbing the first time. I thought this was about the heist and the character development, of course. I'd not have watched it at all, but the casted actors had me assume it'd be more a character driven movie than heist.
