Not a single reload.

Unless I missed it there were zero in this film. Pretty annoying for a film with hundreds of rounds fired. This movie was totally overdone style wise and horribly acted yet oddly mildly enjoyable.


They used "unlimited ammo" cheat :P


Milla Jovovich clearly had the super extended mags upgrade equipped on the submachine gun early in the film.


Early? She must have used a walkthrough to find all the secret extra gold to be able to afford that early.


That would explain why we didn't see any achievements registered!


Maybe she used the "point-off-the-screen-and-click-to-reload" style per arcade video games.
I also wonder how she went all the way to Alaska and down the west coast without refueling.


It's a video game movie. Things don't run out of fuel in games.


Unless it's RE: Extinction, then it's all about things running out of fuel...

I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.


TECHNICALLY they all talked about running out of fuel but we never saw em run out. they were still driving even to the very end
