MovieChat Forums > Motherhood (2009) Discussion > Did they have the part about the multipl...

Did they have the part about the multiple nannies and au pairs?

Half the moms in Manhattan that left the corporate world to be stay at home "moms" have full time help. Love to hear how they bitch about "I'm SO busy" when in fact they spend about 10 minutes a day with their child between spa appointments, the gym, shopping, and me time.

This is what a NY Mom is. Read it a wretch..


I understand the point you're trying to make with your post (NY mommies are a strange breed), but Uma's character was a bit more down to earth. She lived in the West Village and had two apartments but they were rent controlled and her family lived on a budget (apparently). She didn't have nannies and her kids went to public school (not Collegiate). There was even a contrast between the French lady who lived across the street in a townhome, though this was a small 3 minute scene. Uma was kind of like hipster/hippie mommy. They did include the stupid names (Banjo for instance), dumb urban mommy blogs, the weird health food crap (though not as anal as other movies), and the weird psychological parenting they must get out of Hippie Mommy Magazine (like crying with your child to share his pain?). I think "The Other Woman" with Portman delved more into the weird world of NYC mothers.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all
