MovieChat Forums > Virtuality (2009) Discussion > latest....+ FAO RDM, peter berg

latest....+ FAO RDM, peter berg

i read the 120' script and almost wet myself.

apparently the latest on this is FOX didnt like it at 120' and have ordered a re-shoot/write to get it down to 60

i cant remember the source but check futon, reporter, variety its there somewhere.

so what this post is really asking is...

... Mr. Moore, Mr Berg, PLEASE stick your original 120' vision on the torrents.

edit:: or Mr. Taylor ;)

stuff those be-suited $ grabbers at FOX and give it to the masses.



All I could find in recent news (from March) said that it was being re-cut (no time decrease mentioned), or was back in re-development. Neither sounds good. Cutting it by half sounds disastrous; and re-development sounds like it would end up far from what it was intended to be, if it ever actually got anywhere. Can't imagine why anyone wants to do business w/FOX anymore, the way they handle their shows. It's sad. This looked really great.

