Casting thoughts.

Initially I defended this casting, but now I have a different reaction.
We get that we need big stars, but it only feeds into the problem of not being able to get a new Asian actor/actress.
I get that everything isn't about diversity, but there actors out there that need the roles, it's the career they want to pursue.
And not all movies succeed with big actors.
We're NOT hating for the sake of it, we're trying to bring awareness.
And the cyborg excuse is bull. A cyborg is still human, and therfore does indeed have race.
Motoko is a cyborg in all of her incarnations.
We don't what race she is,since she is indeed fully cybernized, but it's not wrong to assume she's japanese.
Her name also has some implications, despite being an alias.
GiTS is indeed a japanese story, albeit it has some global stuff too.
GiTS takes place in Japan, which is important to the story.
And it is about Japan's technology and such.
That said, GiTS has some Christian themes, which arent exactly Japanese (at least in the 1995 movies).
Plus GiTS does have some references to non-Japanese works,and the 1995 movie and tv show were funded by a American comapny, but GiTS is regardless still done by Japan.
The only excuse that could possily justify this casting is that Motoko's orgins and personality changes through each iteration, but even then, all of those iterations still take place in Japan with some Japanese themes. It'd make more sense if Motoko was Japanese.
It's also possible the movie is trying to appeal to China with ScarJo, though no confirmation this movie will be released in China.
This movie might be great and all, but I feel like a proper casting will make the movie even better.
The franchise can get exposed in another way, through social media, or another new anime that nakes efforts to appeal to a mass audience instead.


We have two major problems. One is Hollywood. Hollywood is racist and crooked. Major productions cast minorities when it suits them or when the script absolutely calls for it. Or when they are trying to show how progressive they are. They also do back room deals, not to mention nepotism is always strong in Hollywood. Hollywood also cares about one thing, the bottom line. They dont care about the source material, they dont care about the fans. I remember when Aliens Vs Predators was announced, the director said it would be an rating R for sure. Next thing you know it gets slapped with a PG-13. Why? Because the studio knew it would make more money. They didnt care about the fans or the fact that the movie franchises they were combing all had R ratings. All they saw was money.

The second major problem is the general public. Joe Blow from central Texas isnt going to go see a film with some random Asian actress as the lead. I havent heard of one relative famous Asian actress in Hollywood today. Because there isnt one. And there is the problem. We dont have any Asian actresses that can fill the role that is required by the studios. And by 'role' Im not just talking about the blatantly obvious, female, Asian, can read lines and act them out. Im talking about how the studios wanted someone famous enough to lead the production by name alone. Lets face it, Ghost dosent exactly have a huge fan base. Im sure even plenty of Anime fans dont know about it or care about it. Not to mention the complex story that it weaves. Now translate that to a new medium with a unknown or unproven actress and watch it fall to pieces. With a big project like this Im sure the backers are very nervous. I would be extremely surprised if the budget for this film isnt 100 to 150 million or more. Now double that for the marketing and you would see why they would want a well known actress for the lead. Just my two cents.


Maybe "Joe Blow from central Texas" who "isn't going to go see a film with some random Asian actress as the lead" is not the standard we should be catering to.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


Unfortunately, that is the standard that studios are catering to. The majority. Think of it like casting a fishing net. You want the widest and strongest net to catch as many big fish as you can.



Oh, im agreeing with Captain Wesker,


Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise unperformed,I guess Joe Blow and his pals did not like the whitewashed film

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


Edge of Tomorrow didnt do to hot because they didnt know how to market it. Changing the name to Live. Die. Repeat. is a dead give away. They should have stayed with All You Need Is Kill after the light novel. The budget says it was 178mil and they made worldwide 370mil. But considering the marketing is usually around double the cost of the film, Im sure they lost a good chunk.

And as I stated before, having a famous actor as the lead is NOT a guaranteed formula to success. But it does help. Heck even if you have a famous franchise name it dosent mean success, but again, it helps. And Ghost needs all the help it can get.



Shhh the grown ups are talking. Go back to your hole, lazy troll creature.




It is a good thing, then, that people with parochial (if not outright racist) mentalities will continue to become the minority in the future.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .






I agree, otherwise....




I already said that casting known actors affects the probablity of casting newer actors.
Also, Aloha, had well known actors, and had a decent budget yet massively failed as *beep*.
Batman vs superman, ghostbusters and warcraft bombed here in the US also, (bvs has a bad drop in sales as weeks went by)
and those had the budget, stars and popularity




There's no such thing as "Proper Casting."

There IS such a thing as a personal preference though. Don't confuse the two.


Yeah, there is. When it comes to films such as these, "Japanese or Japanese-descended woman" is proper.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .



Yeah, there is. When it comes to films such as these, "Japanese or Japanese-descended woman" is proper.

You're HIGHLY mistaking "accurate/referenceable to the original source media" for something along the lines of an idea of "proper casting." Which is completely wrong. Nothing states anywhere the cast has to be the same as the original reference material. Casting different doesn't make it improper casting, it simply makes it different.

"Proper casting" is so amibiguous and could mean anything when referring to any and all movie castings. You could claim proper or improper casting on any movie and it would be valid. Therefore there is no difference between something called "proper casting" and "preference."






Agreed. A 'proper casting' for one person might not be the same for another. Perfect example the new Deadpool. Star and director didnt agree on casting of Cable and director back out of the project.


