The Witches?

Personally I would love to see one of the witches books done, either Lords and Ladies or Wintersmith would be lovely, I'd love to see who they would cast as Esme and Nanny Ogg.....


already done!

Christopher Lee ... Death
Jane Horrocks ... Magrat
June Whitfield ... Nanny Ogg
Annette Crosbie ... Granny Weatherwax


What are you talking about?



The animated Wyrd Sisters was blegh . . . as was Soul Music (shudders) . . .

Les Dennis was in Wyrd Sisters as well, which put me right off it. blegh, and a bit more blegh . . . .

Obviously, not a fan of those adapations!


Yeah, it was pretty terrible. It took out all the comedy and replaced it with depression.


I was talking about another film in this series, not a cartoon.


Personally I would prefer cartoons, it gives much more freedom to show things as they should be rather than 'oh, but it would be expensive to recreate the post office as it once was and have Moist see it, lets just ignore that bit and say Gryle killed the other postmen'.


True but I thought that part was a bit hard to explain anyway. Aside from Gryle being kinda like a B Horror monster, I thought it was a good alteration.


Oh I would love Witches abroad :) And Tiffany Aching books...

Maggie Smith would make excellent Esme in my opinion.


This might be an out of field choice but I would love to see Gurinder Chadha as Nanny Ogg.


Witches Abroad was a fabulous book.


Dawn French as Nanny Ogg
Maggie Smith as Granny Weatherwax
Tamsin Grieg as the other one

"Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves?" - Oddball, Kelly's Heroes


Actually those are all fantastic choices and exactly who I would think of.

Funnily enough, I know a woman from Derby, who is a Nanny Ogg all through her soul.
She's only about 4 foot tall and is just like the description of Nanny Ogg and her personality is the same to boot XD.


Judy Dench = Nanny
Maggie Smith = Granny


I could see that. The late Molly Sugden could have been a great Nanny. Emma Thompson's mother (I'm drawing a blank on her name)kind of looks the part for Granny. Katherine Parkinson (Doc Martin) could be Magrat.

I'd like to see Witches Abroad, myself.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."-Groucho


Lesley Nicol (Downton Abbey) would make a fantastic Nanny Ogg.
