Why was it called Temple of Skulls

How did the title come about since I don't remember seeing a skull anywhere in the movie.


there were a couple of sculls stacked up when they entered the cave, and there was this rip-your-scull-out-through-your-face claw thing.


It's cashing in on: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.


No I don't know about that.


Yeah, you're right, I don't think they made much cash from this movie ...


Gotta agree with you on that astroraptor, given Asylum's reputation for rip-off's.

It's a lot easier to take Quatermain's character (out of copyright) as "similar to Indy" than it is to take on Spielberg/Lucas' copyright team. Although Transmorphers looked to be pushing the boundries on legality.

However I haven't seen Temple of skulls. I can't bring myself to. I recently saw Paranormal Entity, and as someone who loves the Quatermain books I couldn't subject myself to their treatment of them.

It brings to mind the South Park episode featuring Indy. Except Asylum Doing it to poor old Allan.


Sean Cameron Michael I thought did a decent job at playing Allan, the rest of the cast wasn't so great through.
