the ending?

what was Eddy shooting at? I didn't get it


He's shooting at a deer that Mary Graves brings back to the remaining party.

Mickey Rouke=True Best Actor Award Winner.


Mr. Eddy clearly says, "I found fresh deer tracks", when he comes back to camp. So, he goes deer hunting with one of the Graves daughters. The director has a post here where he details some of the production problems they had on this film which included a very small budget and only 12 days of shooting. It may have been impossible to get a shot of a live deer or a believable deer corpse for the film. Thus, it seems more than a few people were confused on this point. I know the true story, so I kind of knew what they were up to, but I did have to back up and watch that part again to pick up the line. It is there, clearly, but it is easy to miss.



While I think this is a good attempt at making a film about the "Forlorn Hope" aspect of the Donner Party (historical inaccuracies and all) - I do agree that you would be at a disadvantage if you weren't well acquainted with the true story of the Donner Party.

This film seems to be made for those folks who are acquainted with the story and know the characters, situations, etc. that are depicted.
