Why Penelope Cruz Won?!

I thought they also made a mistake by letting Penelope Cruz won for Supporting Actress, her performance in Vicky Christina Barcelona sucked! I have to admit she was ok in Volver but for that no way! Plus you could not understand the heck she was saying. All she did was flaunt her ass around the camera. Does this mean that you have to flaunt your ass to get an Oscar? The panel must have been one horny crew. I think actresses Viola Davis in Doubt and Taraji Henson in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button could have won instead of her.


I think she was okay in Spanish movies but in English speaking roles... not so good. She has a very annoying voice and speaks too fast, it is not a sexy accent for her voice IMO. She's a great model though.



she sux. henson shoulda won


I thought she was Ok. She was my least favorite and I thought her co-star in VCB, Rebecca Hall actually gave a better perfomance.


I felt the part more of a leading role than supporting.


Are you talking about Rebecca Hall or Penelope Cruz?


I never saw the movie but the trailers look stupid, like some dumb comedy not at all in the leagues of Doubt or Benjamin Button. I guessing she only got this as an apology for Volver or just b/c of who she is.

I'm going to shove coal so far up your stocking you'll be coughing up diamonds!


I couldn't believe I wasted $9.00 for that film...it was pointless and stupid. It had a ridiculous plot too I thought Woody Allen could do better than this. All I could say if you like to watch Javier Bardem in a bad movie then this is a movie for you. If not, don't bother watching it.


she was good but i thought amy adams was better with her performance with Doubt


