Later Seasons

I seem to remember some complaints about the writing in Season 6. I just did a re-watch of that season and outside of those things like Sen Bracken which I am just simply tired of I only found the botched wedding to be really stupid bad. So what were people unhappy with ?

Please note that I know what was wrong with seasons 7 & 8 so don't go there. The Castle believing his own silliness seemed to me to start in S7.


Season 6 now looks good because of how bad season 7 and especially season 8 were. But the slide really started with the last three eps of season 5 which I still refuse to rewatch. Season 6 opening two parter was just kind of dull and the whole DC plotline became so pointless and wasn't even referred to after that until season 8. Then they had that Pi and Alexis storyline which was so insufferable. Pi was so annoying and he dragged Alexis down with him and I don't think the character ever recovered fully after that. The finale of season 6 is a well known problem where they not only botched the wedding, which they were talking about all season, but they made Beckett look like a bimbo who didn't even know she was married even though her idiot criminal husband knew. That was just a logical leap too far given Beckett was a former law student, NYPD detective, and former FBI agent. Like I said, it was also really annoying that the spent so much of the season promising the perfect wedding through all the conversations they had and then they mucked it up for a quickie wedding in season 7 with none of the major supporting cast present. But overall, season 6 is still fun, just inconsistent at times.
