
No user comments, no reviews, and yet this movie rates an 8.2 based on 6 votes (3 people gave it a 10, 1 an 8 and 1 a 7)?

Riiiiiiiight. I haven't seen it, but I'm guessing this movie's a turd. A moist, fuming, stinking turd.

No more anonymous votes, Imdb. And no voting allowed five minutes after having created an account.


This is an sorta ultra-low budget movie, the dvd copy I got from a friend which was a release of some sort, didn't contain anything but the movie, the audio was so badly edited that the gun shots were loud and the dialogues barely audible, so low that many scenes I just couldn't hear the dialogue properly, I guess that for a very low budget movie, it could have been worst, since I have seen many movies that are worst, much worst, with average and big budgets.

I guess all things considered, I'd still give it a 4/10, maybe a 5/10, and yeah I agree, no more anonymous votes or from accounts recently created.


I thought it was all right. If I can finish a movie, it gets at least a 3. I enjoyed it, though, and the bad guy was entertaining to me :o). I also became attached to the abducted girl.

-Dad, who's that?
-Oh, that? One of my patients. He's...sick.
-Will he live?
-It's looking grim.


It's pretty bad, and the current rating is reflecting that.

